Friday, February 20, 2009

He did it!!! Daxton finally learned how to ride a bike. Ryan took him out Monday, took off the training wheels and off he went. I was so proud of him. Ryan was behind him just once down the street and then he had it. That is all he wants to do now.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One wild and crazy week!!!

We have had one of the craziest weeks ever. Tuesday afternoon we had just gotten back from picking up Daxton from school. All the kids were outside playing. I was in the house on the computer when all of a sudden I heard a horrible scream from Gehrig. I knew the scream, it was not going to be good. I ran outside to find Gehrig walking around the corner with blood all down his face. As I got closer to him I saw his skull. He had hit his head on the sender block wall down the side of our house riding his scooter. I had no idea what to do there was blood everywhere. So I called 911, hung up called Ryan and Tammy to have her come get the other kids. The EMT's and Fireman came and wrapped his head up. Then I took him to the ER for the second time. Last time he got staples in the back of his head. This child is my accident one. We sat in the ER for about 4 hours. While we were waiting for the Doctor, I took a picture of the huge hole on his forehead with my phone to show him and the first thing out of his mouth is "wow". Needless to say he thought it was pretty cool. I will spare you all and not show you those pictures. I still get the shivers when I see the picture. When it came time to do the stitches he was such a trooper. They gave him shoots in the wound to numb it. He did not even move and flinch. The doctor and nurse were so impressed with him. So was I. This kid can handle anything!!!

I had planned for a long time to decorate Ryan's room at school for Valentines Day. He had his last Basketball game of the year on Thursday. So my mom came with us to the game, and afterwards we acted like we were going home, but stayed and decorated his room. The kids had a great time drawing on the board. We hung streamers and got some candy and I made him this cake. He was so excited and totally surprise. This man is very hard to surprise. Thanks to my mom we were able to execute it.

Next to add to the week, we had Gehrig's 5 year birthday party on Monday. He wanted a Star Wars party. Of course. So Ryan and I made him a R2-D2 cake. It was quite a chore. But very fun. Gehrig was so happy. Although, he wanted it to fly. I told him that I am not sure that I can make that happen. I have pictures of the party but my camera is acting up so I will put those on soon. Happy Birthday Gehrig !!! We Love You!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here you go Katie Z. All of these new entries are for you. I am so sorry it has taken me so long. Do I need to take away the picture of the garden.:)!!!!! I promise there are no dead animals underneath the flowers!!

My latest crafty attempt

Anybody who knows me knows that I love Damask print. So I bought some a while back and made me an apron. I started to think how cute Lily would look in a skirt made with the fabric. And when I get ideas I have to execute them, it overtake me. So here it is. She was such a stinker. I could not get a picture of her, so Gehrig had to stand next to her. I had to keep making it smaller around the waist because she is so dang skinny. (she definitely gets that from her fathers side). Anyway, I normally do not put my crafty stuff on the blog, but I thought I would share this one.


One of our favorite things to do as a family is go to the ASU Basketball games. One of Ryan's old basketball players is on the team. It is so much fun watching them play. The kids love to go. Gehrig spends the whole time looking for Sparky. He want to see him but he cannot get to close to us. He still has issues with people in costumes. Daxton cannot get enough of the game. He is so cute he stands on his chair and yells with the crowd. Just like his father, except for the standing on the chair!:) Lily just dances to the music.

I am so in love with this little girl!!!