Friday, June 17, 2011

Time to Catch up!!!

I am so far behind in updating our family blog.
I decided to put the last 4 months together.

In February Gehrig turned 7.
He was so excited to have a football party.
Sadly it rained all that day.
The football helmet he has on stayed on for days.
I even caught him asleep in the playroom with it on.
He had a great party inside. Gammy and Ryan came
up with all kinds of games for inside the house.
That night he requested GREEN EGGS & HAM for Dinner.
Man how I love this kid.

My little man is not so little anymore.
Double digits!!
Daxton is in love with Soccer.
We had a great party at the field with lots of Soccer, pizza,
ice cream sandwiches and friends.
I made all the boys shirts with a 10 on it for the intense games!

Well my little girl had to get glasses.
She looks so adorable.
She was so happy to be like her big Brother.
Ryan had his first moment of spoiling his little girl.
We were suppose to get here a bike for birthday but Dad had other plans.
He rang the door bell and there he was with her new bike.
She loved it.
Every girl deserves to be spoiled by there Daddy!!

Lily had her last day of Ms. Carly's Preschool.
That we all loved.
Thank you Carly!!

I love this pictures of the boys.
I walked by the window to find them both just sitting there.
They sat there for a good 30 minutes.
I am so glad they are such great friends

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lily and Ryan went to Build a Bear. They had so much fun.
Lily was amazed by the whole thing. She loved every minute of it.
She knows just how to work her Daddy.
Off to McDonalds for dinner and ice cream.
Lily kept asking Ryan "Is it time to go Daddy?"
Ryan would have to say "Do you want to go home?"
Lily: "No"
Ryan:"We can stay as long as you want"
Then she would get a huge grin!!

We signed Lily up for her first cheer clinic. It was a scream.
She and her friends had a good time.
They get to perform at the half time of a Varsity Basketball game.
Pictures will come soon.

Friday, January 14, 2011


We were giving the best gift ever!! The chance to go to the island of Samoa to visit
Gammy & Papa (Ryan's parents) over Christmas They are serving a Mission for the LDS church. We were so excited and counted the days down. We had so many adventures and memories that will last for a life time.

Friday, January 7, 2011


As I stated before, being the smart person I am on the computer.
In my turn fashion I accidentally deleted the last 8 months worth of pictures.
Ryan was able get back some but not all.
Unfortunately, I lost all of the pictures of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
I am sure I will realize later how many more photos I lost.

Ryan got an AWARD at the Suns game!!

at half time of one of the SUNS home game.
We were giving courtside seats and the kids were able to go in a suite with my parents.
We had a great night. Lots of great pictures. I got a picture with Steve Nash and Daxton got to play on the court after the game too. Not to mention my hubby on the court at halftime!!!
Sadly as I was uploading my photos to my computer I DELETED the last 8 months worth of
pictures. I am still sick to my stomach about it. Luckily, Ryan was able to get back a few. I knew I should of updated the blog before we left to Samoa, then I would have a back up plan.
At least I have the memories in my mind:)

Lily & Make - up (not a good thing)

The kids were out riding bike and I glanced at Lily thinking that something was really wrong with her. I went out to see if she was okay. Sure enough she was. She was putting lipstick on with a make-up brush. She is a hoot. I have video of it. I am laughing so hard in the background. Sadly the video is not working. Gotta love this girl.